Monday, 29 June 2009

Lurgan Golf Club - Captain's Day

Saturday was an early start for me. Up with the birds at 5.30 for a wash and a quick cup of coffee before making my way to Lurgan Golf Club for the first tee off at 6.30. My job was to capture every group that played - 60 plus. I set up at the second tee box purely because its better for photos than the first. I managed to avoid the kamikaze shots coming from the 9th all day having two very close calls. One even landed in my breakfast - true story!

Anyway, a long day at the club was spent. 11 hours in total. A thoroughly enjoyable day. I'd like to thank Wilson, Peter and Seamus for their hospitality and of course the lads for their banter throughout the day which kept me ticking along.

I came away with nearly 250 images which can be viewed by clicking any of the thumbnails below.

Prints are available. If you see any that you would like then drop me an email at

Also at the bottom is a short High Definition video I shot during the day.

Enjoy folks








Lurgan Golf Club - Captain's Day 2009 from Stephen Greenaway on Vimeo.

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